Liturgies & Devotions
Peace of the Prairie
Our worship service entitled "Peace of the Prairie - A Liturgy for the Here and Now", captures spirituality with an awareness of God's gift in our beautiful prairie setting. Our original Shalom Hill Farm hymn, "God of Shalom", sets the tone of worship and reflection. The combination of original poems, hymns, and prayers creates a beautiful and inspiring worship experience.

Composed by Carol Meier (New London, MN), the music calls us together to praise and reflect on the beauty of the earth.

Prayers & Liturgy
Poems and liturgy created by Rev. Meta Herrick Carlson (Minneapolis, MN) ground us in the space between earth and sky, creating a space for us to reflect on God's gift of the prairie.
Premiere Recording
On September 28, 2023, we recorded the Peace of the Prairie liturgy at the celebration for the renewal of Shalom Hill Farm and the improvements made through hard work this past year.
Shalom Hill Farm Daily Prayers
Shalom Daily Prayers follows the structure (Opening, Psalmody, Word, and Prayers) of this
historical practice. Ancient texts are included in paraphrased form; particularly noteworthy is the
3rd century hymn, Phos Hilaron (O Joyous Light) which is included here in Evening Prayer as
“Light of All Splendor”. Shalom Morning Prayer includes the Old Testament Canticle of Hannah
from 1 Samuel. The traditional Evening Prayer canticle, the Magnificat, is also included in this
setting. Both of these canticles extol the wondrous work of our God who turns the world around
and brings Heaven here and now.
Daily Prayers - A practice of daily centering prayers.
The practice of Daily Prayer extends beyond denominational lines and particular cultural settings,
connecting us to believers of all time and place. As we pray together Shalom Daily Prayers, may we be renewed by the timeless message of God’s steadfast love.
Morning Prayer
The morning prayer starts the day off with a brief gathering together with song and spoken word as we great the new day. (About 20 minutes)
Midday Prayer
The midday prayer calls us to stop in the middle of our busy day and join others in a meal and time of reflection. (About 10 minutes)
Evening Prayer
Evening prayer call us back together to reflect on our day together and our work to which we have been called. (Excerpt below)
The Peace of the prairie,
peace of the grasses and fields, the snow and rain,
peace of the wild flowers and hibernating creatures,
peace of the candlelight and starglow,
the deep, deep peace of Christ
surround, support, and sustain us
now and forever.